Educational podcasts

The word “podcast” appeared already in 2004, thanks to the intersection of iPod and broadcast (“broadcast”). Peculiar channels began to be created in which authors publish audio programs with varying degrees of regularity. Sometimes it looks like a radio, and sometimes like a real documentary.
Sometimes podcasts are a great additional source of knowledge that can be obtained while traveling and just on the road.

1. Lectures of the popular science resource Postnauka In short messages of no more than 15 minutes in length, Russian scientists talk about their research in various fields. Listen

2. “English as Second Language” If it is difficult for you to understand English speech by ear, then perhaps it makes sense at first to improve your level. One of the most famous podcasts for this (according to Afisha) is “ESL”, which includes programs on completely different topics. Listen

3. “A History of the World in 100 Objects” The BBC 4 channel project (always on a level), each issue of which is dedicated to a certain subject of everyday life, fits the whole past and present of human civilization into the history of simple things. Listen

4. “Artificial Selection” Not a podcast, but my adorable educational series on the Kultura channel! Always discoveries and revelations. Listen, but better to watch

5. “Family stories” That I listen in traffic alone or with the whole family. This is the author’s program of Tutta Larsen on radio “VERA” – mentally, very interesting, instructive, revives kindness and immerses in happy childhood memories. Listen

6. The San Francisco Museum of Contemporary Art / SFMOMA [EN] podcast Raw Materials are always different authors, representatives of art and culture. A good resource to learn terminology and to hear completely different views. Listen

7. How to choose a good podcast? Answers to popular questions from Meduza. To read

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