About Us
Artclever is an online platform designed specifically to accommodate distance learning in the areas of fine arts, design, art therapy, cinematography, animation, computer graphics, architecture, and advanced technologies.
Artclever also offers a place for development of professional networks, communication, business relationships and cultural exchange.
BE YOUR BEST — Learn from the best.
Artclever supports this philosophy through hiring professionals who excel in their fields. Our instructors create advanced educational content that meet today’s requirements. They advocate «Mentor & Apprentice» relationships with their students. If this philosophy resonates with you and you are interested in teaching with Artclever, please let us know!
COMMUNITY — Feedback from instructors and fellow students in live forums creates community at Artclever.
Through Artclever you join a professional international community online where members live, learn, create and share information on the latest art-trends, professions, competitions and job opportunities.
CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT — To stay current we are constantly in the process of development and therefore welcome and appreciate your feedback.
Feel free to tell us what you need, what you think, what we are missing, what you find useful and what is not.
COLLABORATE — Artclever openly seeks collaborations with other institutions, universities and schools in NorthAmerica, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and China to provide a platform of services for creating online courses.
We work together with research institutes, museums, galleries, cultural centers, publishing houses and online libraries to connect our community with the widest network of resources. This includes cooperation with charitable foundations and other non-profit organizations, which altogether adds up to our project mission: To make Art Education ACCESSIBLE and AFFORDABLE.
It is important to note here that online education, however modern and efficient, is intended as a suppliment to and not a replacement for traditional forms of learning.
That being said, there remain very good reasons to join Artclever:
Traditional education in colleges, universities and institutes is increasingly expensive and requires 4-6 years of ones life. Schedule, classroom size, staff, and campus location impose limits on these traditional educational facilities. Online education on the other hand, presents a budget alternative, which, with high quality courses offered at a lower cost, afford students the additional training necessary to become top ranked achievers. Online education is available to all Internet users worldwide and is not tied to specific university locations.
Artclever online video courses feature master classes, lectures, assignments, evaluative feedback and communication with teachers and fellow students. Video courses at Artclever provide subtitles and chat translations, which make it possible to learn from teachers who speak foreign languages while at the same time, improving skills in foreign languages.
Artclever welcomes you.
Sign-up now to get discounts, loyalty enrollments and news!
Email us at partner@artclever.com

Joseph RothmanPartner at AlphaPrime Ventures
Tatiana FedorovaEntrepreneur, Founder at GOODdler, GOODler Foudation, CEO at SVOD