How to beat a perfectionist?

This is the one who is convinced that any “imperfect” result has no right to exist. In fact, perfectionism can be called a mental disorder, and many are susceptible to it.

Research professor Brane Brown believes that the reason is a strong desire to avoid negative assessments of other people. We want to be perfect, in some kind of understanding. And this despite the fact that obviously we can never. Any mistake seems to be the collapse of all the work, and the result of effort never satisfies. The expectations bar is constantly moving upwards. The result of all this is to postpone all matters until later, even very important ones, just not to make a mistake.

However, there are several rules that will help get out of the chains of perfectionism:

• Search for content, not perfect performance.

Enjoy the moments in the present, not concentrating only on how to plan the future. This is a utopian idea – to think that you have a wonderful life only if you have a highly paid profession, five children, or a house in Miami.

• Allow yourself to start doing

It is very important to allow yourself to start a business, even if you have not thought it through to the smallest detail. Leave the fear and start! You can always adjust something.

• Timely is better than perfect

If only because you will not have a chance to drown in procrastination and to clear all the problems that it causes. The result at the appointed time is better than the ideal result when no one needs it anymore.

• Set achievable goals

It is clear that by agreeing with yourself that in 5 days you will definitely lose 20 kg by the season, it is very easy to get depressed. But if you set yourself realistic goals and achieve them, then the mood and the pleasure of the result will bring your consciousness in order.

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